Wednesday 12 December 2012

northwest rebellion questions

1)      He wanted to win the election
2)      To settle the western part of Canada and get more resources from that part of Canada, to raise tariffs because the US wanted to take jobs from Canadians, and lastly the CPR was created to get supplies around Canada.
3)      The owner of the CPR, Hugh Allen
4)      He promised 25 million dollars and 25 acres around the railway.
5)      The syndicate gave them money.
6)      He started building to meet the deadline
7)      He was hired to ensure they meet the deadline
8)      He built the railroad from Calgary to Winnipeg
9)      The CPR ran out of money
10)   It entered in Eagle Ridge
11)   It was too cold, so the ports didn`t go year round.

Wednesday 28 November 2012

The Metis after the Manitoba Act

The Metis were not treated very well in Canada after the Manitoba act. Many of the Metis colonies moved to what is now the Northwest Territories. When the Northwest Territories were created the Metis were given very low pay from the Hudsons Bay Company and anyone who objected could be imprisoned. This was enforced by Clarke. (Textbook didn't give first name.) Another unfortunate thing that happened was when the militia was sent to guard Manitoba they thought the Metis were terrible because of the execution of Thomas Scott. Also when they were given the choice of 160 acres or 240 dollars they chose 160 acres of land with a decline in bison which was unfortunate.

Thursday 22 November 2012

the Metis and HBC.

1)    Answer the key question in a multi-paragraph composition using the information above and stating why the land belongs to one and why it shouldn’t belong to the other. Create a modern-day analogy to help us understand your argument. 

The Metis didn’t have a right to complain. They may have begun plans with it but it wasn’t rightfully theirs. So if HBC wanted to sell Rupert’s Land they shouldn’t have a say whatsoever. The discussion we had in class is exactly what this is. If HBC wants to sell the land they are able to. The Metis didn’t ask permission to cultivate some of the land (which I guess would add value maybe) so there is no argument. So no, the Metis didn’t have a right to complain.

2)    If you were the Metis, what would you do in response to the sale of Rupert’s Land? Introduce what was discussed in class and explain your thoughts.

If I were the Metis I would cope with the fact that it isn’t our land and move elsewhere. The Metis knew that it wasn’t their land and just begun to utilize it, they should have known that it was HBC’s and whatever they want to do with it goes. Their land, their rules.

Wednesday 21 November 2012

Battle of 7 oaks table

HBC’s Pemmican Proclamation.
Tension between competition.
Battle only lasted 15 minutes, both leaders were dead.
Colonists left the colony
Selkirk arrested NWC people for ‘massacre’

Tuesday 20 November 2012

Describe the Metis economically, socially and explain how important they were to the fur trade.

The Metis economically were helping the French by hunting bison and selling it to the French. This ended up just feeding the French’s economy. Socially the Metis were all working for the economy, the women and children would move the red river carts to find the bison while the men hunt them. They were very important to the trade by binding the tensions and they could sell the buffalo furs.

Monday 19 November 2012

The aboriginal fur trade. My thoughts.

From what I can tell, i feel like the aboriginals are being used. The Europeans are abusing the trade. They trade utensils like forks, knives, spoons for rather large amounts of fur, since the aboriginals don't know how much the forks are worth they just give them what they want. They don't know that it's relatively cheap on the Europeans end of the bargain. That's how I see it, the Europeans are being rather abusive, taking advantage of the aboriginals.

Wednesday 7 November 2012

The London Conference

The London Conference
On December 4th the London Conference took place in the United Kingdom, and this was the final conference that will lead to our Canadian Confederation. The Province of Canada, New Brunswick and Nova Scotia got together with the officials in the United Kingdom to discuss and configure what the British North American act will consist of. A major issue with the seventy-two resolutions was the education system when it came to the Roman Catholic Bishops; they wanted their education system separate from others. This was turned down by the delegates of the Maritimes, but they came to an agreement with the schools in Ontario and Quebec, they will have Catholic schools but Nova Scotia and New Brunswick will not. All in all the Conferences were successful and the outcome was the Confederation in Canada. Queen Victoria agreed to the Dominion of Canada and it was put into place July 1st 1867. I believe that these past few months have achieved great improvements and this will lead to a bright future.