Thursday, 20 October 2011

Mind Map, Prezi

Tuesday, 18 October 2011

Just because we can, does it mean we should?

Just because we can, does it mean we should? No, now let me explain why. I know if we keep doing things because we can, we'll never stop. We'd just keep going on and on without knowing the consequences. You need to know when to stop, because you don't take enough time to savior your work, what people are doing is studying very interesting topics just to see what will happen, once they finish their studies and have the results, they forget a lot of what they learned. Example, NASA put America in trillions of debt just to study space and the moon. They're looking for other forms of life which is rather scary to think about, well we didn't find any life forms, so there goes trillions of dollars. Quite literally they are doing experiments and studies, because they can. You need to know when to stop and i think we are near the end, we cant just study mutation and expect nothing to happen. We need to take precaution with these things, I know we cant stop mankind from wondering. In a way its like a drug, if you abuse it at least. Our wonder has brought us success, but it has also brought us failure and tragedy. I do not agree with doing things because we can.

Monday, 17 October 2011

Embryo Screening.

Embryo Screening to me seems very sick. People are enhancing embryos to advance children, to me this can't have no side effects, and of all things the child has no choice whether they want to be presumed advanced in health. This is supposed to make life easier on us, less sickness and such, I understand we only mean to make life easier, but realistically was life so difficult in the first place? My hypothesis is as a race we will begin to make everything so much easier that people will just become more and more lazy. Being a genetically perfect person will have positives, but with every positive a negative follows. This could cause more harm to ourselves than we think. This procedure also has a fail rate along with it being very expensive. Is it really worth the trouble? I can understand your child having a deadly disease and you wanting him/her healthy, but Embryo Screening for the sake of making a child healthier seems too big of a risk. I am against Embryo Screening for the wrong reasons, I can understand people with genetics showing cancer or some other deadly disease but just for making a baby healthier is too big of a risk and a waste of money. All of mankind will not die without this procedure, so we can live without it. These are the reasons I do not believe in Embryo Screening, why use something we don't actually need?

Wednesday, 12 October 2011