Tuesday 18 October 2011

Just because we can, does it mean we should?

Just because we can, does it mean we should? No, now let me explain why. I know if we keep doing things because we can, we'll never stop. We'd just keep going on and on without knowing the consequences. You need to know when to stop, because you don't take enough time to savior your work, what people are doing is studying very interesting topics just to see what will happen, once they finish their studies and have the results, they forget a lot of what they learned. Example, NASA put America in trillions of debt just to study space and the moon. They're looking for other forms of life which is rather scary to think about, well we didn't find any life forms, so there goes trillions of dollars. Quite literally they are doing experiments and studies, because they can. You need to know when to stop and i think we are near the end, we cant just study mutation and expect nothing to happen. We need to take precaution with these things, I know we cant stop mankind from wondering. In a way its like a drug, if you abuse it at least. Our wonder has brought us success, but it has also brought us failure and tragedy. I do not agree with doing things because we can.

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