Monday, 7 January 2013

Political Cartoon Table and Write-Up

The Battle of Seven Oaks
This battle came to be on June 19th 1816. The conflict was between the Metis and the Hudson’s Bay Company. The Pemmican Proclamation wasn’t allowing the Metis to sell Pemmican until the following year. The battle did not last long, considering there were few men in the battle. The Metis had roughly 60 men as the Hudson’s Bay Company had only 24 which lead to the Metis inevitable victory. W.B. Coltman was sent to resolve and investigate what had happened. After the full understanding of the battle, the Metis were let go.

Ruperts Land
The Metis were settled in Ruperts Land using it for hunting, settlement and any other ideal activities to live there. The Hudson’s Bay Company wasn’t using the land to its full potential, so the Metis did. When The Hudson’s Bay Company sold the land over to the Canadian Government the Metis felt like they had a right to it. They’ve been using the land to its full ability and they weren’t harming anyone over it. This caused a small portion of the Red River Rebellion.

Canadian Pacific Railway
The Canadian Pacific Railway was a key part of the Northwest rebellion. It was mainly used to transport men to where the rebellion was. As before, during the Red River Rebellion it had taken roughly 3 months to get the men to the fight. By train it had only taken nine days to get to the Northwest Territories. After concluding the Northwest Rebellion the government funded the railway to be finished while coming close to a financial collapse.

The Metis
The Metis came to be when the fur trade was beginning. Some of the aboriginal women became married to the French or Scottish men. Their children were brought to a new belief system. It was a mix of the traditional aboriginal beliefs and Catholicism. The Metis people bound the trade together. The Metis were very well known for selling pemmican. Pemmican is a paste of dried meats mixed with fat and other ingredients.

Red River Rebellion
The Red River Rebellion was several events caused by Louis Riel. Louis Riel was the leader of the Metis people and the Red River Colony. William McDougall ordered surveyors to plot the land the Metis lived on. But they were not let in by Louis Riel and the Metis, this lead to conflict. The Metis arrested, tried and executed Thomas Scott for threatening to murder Louis Riel. This made the Metis look bad on the Pro-Canadian people. They didn’t see or hear of what Thomas Scott had done, so they were quick to judge the Metis. Later, the Red River Colony agreed to confederation and became Manitoba after signing the Manitoba Act.

Northwest Rebellion
The Northwest Rebellion was a result of Louis Riel questioning if Canada really was protective of the Metis’ rights. But he was right; Canada didn’t apply the Metis’ rights fully because of the murder of Thomas Scott and other events. So, Louis Riel rebelled against Canada demanding their equality to other citizens of Canada. The rebellion was unsuccessful and lead to Louis Riel’s trial and hanging. Chief Poundmaker had surrendered a few weeks after the rebellion and Big Bear was chased on foot until he had no food and surrendered.

When I look at the drawing I see newspapers pinned on the wall, A desk as if it’s someone’s office, contracts and order forms and the Metis flag.
The newspapers are talking about the Metis and how they came to be, the CPR and how much it cost, the Red River Rebellion, the Northwest Rebellion, the conclusion of the Northwest rebellion and the Battle of Seven Oaks. On the desk there are order forms for furs and pemmican and a contract that signs off the Metis possessions and land.
This drawing is putting everything we’ve done in the past unit in a timeline. You see the contracts are signed which lead to the newspaper headlines. There is a past and future theme to it because the contracts and forms on the desk lead to the newspaper headlines.

I didn’t really know what to draw, but I couldn’t sit around waiting for the idea to come to me. So I just got started with that and tried my best to make it work. I worked hard on this project and put a lot of studying into this. I'm working hard to pass this class, and I cannot afford to fail. 
Thanks, Taylor Vesper

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